Thompson, Carolyn Jennings
Meet the Candidate

Party Legend
- DDemocrat
- GGreen
- LLibertarian
- RRepublican
Running For:
Court of Appeals Seat 12Political Affiliation:
DCandidate Website:
Response Legend
- −No response given by candidate
- *Comment provided, see Candidate Survey
- WView Candidate Survey
Question | Response | Comments/Notes |
1. Which Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court best reflects your judicial philosophy? | JACKSON | |
2. Rate your judicial philosophy toward the Constitution on a scale of 1-10 with a "living document" approach being a 1 and an "originalism" approach being a 10. | 8 | |
3. Please list the organizations with which you have been involved over the past five years through membership, religious affiliation, pro bono legal work, or volunteer service. | W | |
4. In the space below, or on a separate sheet of paper, please describe your overall judicial philosophy. | W | |
5. In the space below, or on a separate sheet of paper, please describe the role faith plays in your daily life. | W |